Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini comes from the Sanskrit word, ‘Kundal’ which, means ‘the lock of hair from the beloved’. Kundalini is the awakening of the unlimited potential we as human beings have. To best understand Kundalini, think of a universal spirit which uncoils itself, this process is known as Kundalini. The effect is an awakening inside of you and something that most people do not know how to utilize.

So what is Kundalini Yoga I hear you ask? Well it is unique but at the same time has elements that are found in other forms of yoga. Just like many forms of yoga, Kundalini Yoga links movements with breathing patterns. It releases emotions through listening to the body and draws inspiration. Kundalini Yoga can also incorporate chanting and singing which, again can be found in other forms of yoga and it moves energy through the Chakras, a common theme amongst yoga styles. In addition to yoga and meditation, Kundalini Yoga teaches all aspects of life from conscious parenting and partnering to eating vegetarian food and serving others.

Unlike some forms of yoga, Kundalini Yoga training should not scare people off. Yoga magazines and websites are often filled with these amazing bodied yogi’s doing amazing things with their bodies. I think this portrayal of yoga is often off putting to people who don’t look like those in magazines and websites. A good Kundalini Yoga teacher will start where you are at and takes you to your potential as and when you are ready. Strong, rhythmic breathing with fluid movements is one of the foundations of Kundalini Yoga.

Kundalini Yoga warm ups involve stretching and strong breathing and even though each class is unique they will contain postures and exercises that work on specific parts of the mind, body and spirit. These postures and exercises come in sets and there are hundreds of these sets designed for different aspects of mind, body and spirit. There is a set for every aspect of being a human.

Once the specific set has been completed a Kundalini class will move into relaxation. This is often supported by uplifting music and at times the sound of gong. After the period of relaxation Kundalini Yoga classes will end with breathing or mantra meditation. The combination of all the aspects of this style of yoga class can be truly empowering to its students and a reason why Kundalini Yoga is growing in popularity.

Some courses are now specific to helping people become Kundalini Yoga Teachers. These Kundailin Yoga Teacher Training courses can be done all over the world and if that’s your thing I suggest looking online for the right course for you. If you love Kundalini Yoga why not share it with others.